Woman Created from Man's Rib: What Does… Quotes of the Day WOMAN was made from the rib of man She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be close to…
The Secret to a Happy and Fulfilling Life:… ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Verse of the Day And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him Allah Says in the Holy Quran: "Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of…
Allah sometimes remove a person from your… Allah sometimes remove a person from your life | It’s hard to let go of the past, especially when you’re praying for reconciliation. But the best thing for your mind and heart is to let go, and leave the rest…
The most noble of you in the sight of… Verse of the Day The most noble of you in the sight of Allah is THE MOST RIGHTEOUS OF YOU ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Allah Says in the Holy Quran: "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female…
ALLAH is most merciful and forgiving ALLAH is most merciful and forgiving and loves to forgive . May Allah forgive our all major and minor sins. Ameen
Verily, Allah loves those who do good Verse of the Day Verily, Allah loves those who do good ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Allah Says in the Holy Quran: "And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction;…
Dua Before Sleeping: The Importance,… Introduction As Muslims, we often turn to Allah for guidance and blessings in all aspects of our lives, including before going to sleep. Saying "Dua" - a prayer or a supplication - before sleeping not only brings a sense of…
Every Breath Is A Gift From Allah, Receive… The Blessing of Breath in the Quran In the Quran, Allah reminds us of the importance of every breath we take. In Surah Al-Sajdah, verse 9, Allah says, "Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul…
Will the Love of Allah Save You from Punishment? Introduction Many people wonder whether the love of Allah can save them from punishment. This is a question that has been pondered upon by believers throughout history. To find the answer, we must turn to the Quran and Sunnah, the…
Allah is enough for me Verse of the Day Allah is enough for me ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ "But if they turn away, [O Muhammad (ﷺ)], say, "Sufficient for me is Allah; there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied, and He is…
True Love Husband and Wife Quotes in Islam The Importance of Love in Islam In Islam, marriage is considered a sacred bond between a husband and wife. It is a relationship built on love, mercy, and understanding. Islam emphasizes the importance of love and affection between spouses, as…
Dear Allah guide me Dear Allah guide me, Dear Allah ! If I'm wrong, correct me. If I'm lost, guide me. If I started to give up, keep me going. Please! Ameen | Allah help me Quotes
Oh Allah, forgive me, show mercy on me… Dua for Magfirat & Rizq اَللَّهُمَّ اِغْفِرْ لِي , وَارْحَمْنِي , وَاهْدِنِي , وَعَافِنِي , وَارْزُقْنِي "Allahummaghfirli Warhamni Wa Afini Warzuqni" "Oh Allah, forgive me, show mercy on me guide me, provide for me, and grant me security." 📕 Abu…
7 Signs That Allah Loves You The Love of Allah: A Blessing Beyond Measure In the light of the Quran and Sunnah, we can find numerous signs that indicate Allah's love for His servants. These signs serve as a source of comfort and hope for believers,…
Allah heals and fixes broken hearts Broken heart sad Islamic quotes "Broken hearts have no where to go except Allah, It is Him who heals and fixes."patience difficult time broken heart Islamic quotes
Wife Neglecting Husband: What the Quran… The Importance of Marriage in Islam Marriage is a sacred bond in Islam, based on love, compassion, and mutual respect. It is a partnership where both spouses have rights and responsibilities towards each other. However, sometimes in the journey of…
Allah is Enough for me | HasbiyaAllahu wa… Verse of the Day Allah is Enough for meHasbiyaAllahu wa Ni'mal wakeel ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ "There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to…
Allah Hu Alam: The Powerful Phrase with a… Allah Hu Alam: The Powerful Phrase with a Deep Meaning If you've ever heard the phrase "Allah Hu Alam," you may be wondering what it means and why it is so powerful. In this article, we'll delve into the meaning…
30+ Islamic Marriage Quotes for Husband… Islamic marriage quotes HD, Married couple Islamic love quotes for husband, Islamic love quotes from quran, Islamic quotes about love and marriage, Islamic marriage quotes for wedding cards, Islamic love quotes for future husband, Islamic love quotes for husband, Islamic…
It is not possible that everything in life… Quotes of the Day It is not possible that everything in life should happen according to our feelings and desires. 📕 Dr. Bilal Philips If everything happened by the frivolous whims and passions of mankind, just imagine all the mistakes…
ALLAH will suffice whoever trusts in Him… Verse of the Day ALLAH will suffice whoever trusts in Him ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Allah Says in the Holy Quran: "And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is…
Dua for Forgiveness: Seeking Allah's Mercy Dua for Forgiveness: Seeking Allah's Mercy Do you often find yourself lost in thoughts about your mistakes and sins? Seeking forgiveness is an essential part of being a Muslim, and it's important to remember that Allah's mercy is always there…
And Allah Created You In Pairs (Quran 78:8) ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Quranic Verse about 'Allah created everything in pairs' One of the most beautiful and profound aspects of life is the concept of companionship and the idea that we are not alone in this world. In the Quran,…
Fill your heart with the love for THE ONE… Quotes of the Day Fill your heart with the love for THE ONE Who created love Sahl bin Sad As-Sai’di (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “A man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, ‘O…
The believer in Allah should be Generous Hadith of the Day The believer in Allah should be Generous ۞ Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim ۞ Prophet ﷺ said: "Verily, Allah is generous. He loves generosity and exalted character, and He detests pettiness." 📕 Sahih al-Albani
I will ask Allah for you twice, Once in… There is a profound quote that says, "I will ask Allah for you twice, Once in this world and once in Jannah." Husband Wife Quote This simple yet powerful statement holds deep meaning and serves as a reminder of the…
A Good Life Partner it's a Blessing of… Introduction: "A Good Life Partner it's a Blessing of Allah." Quran Hadith Perspective In the journey of life, finding a good life partner is often considered one of the most significant blessings from Allah. This sacred union is a source…
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