- 1 1. Prophet Adam (A.S)
- 2 2. Prophet Idris (Enoch)
- 3 3. Prophet Nuh (Noah)
- 4 4. Prophet Hud
- 5 5. Prophet Salih
- 6 6. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
- 7 7. Prophet Isma’il (Ishmael)
- 8 8. Prophet Ishaq
- 9 9. Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)
- 10 10. Prophet Lot (Lut)
- 11 11. Prophet Shuaib
- 12 12. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)
- 13 13. Prophet Job (Ayoub)
- 14 14. Prophet Dhul — Kifl
- 15 15. Prophet Yunus (Jonah)
- 16 16. Prophet Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron)
- 17 17. Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel)
- 18 18. Prophet Elisha (Elyas)
- 19 19. Prophet Shammil (Samuel)
- 20 20. Prophet Dawud (David)
- 21 21. Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)
- 22 22. Prophet Shia (Isaiah)
- 23 23. Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah)
- 24 24. Prophet Daniel
- 25 25. Prophet Uzair (Ezra)
- 26 26. Prophet Zakariyah (Zechariah)
- 27 27. Prophet Yahya (John)
- 28 28. Prophet Isa (A.S)
- 29 29. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Stories of the Prophets — From Adam (A.S) to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) | Qasasul Ambiya in English
1. Prophet Adam (A.S)
- Informing the Angels About Adam
- Adam’s Progeny Accept Allah
- The Prophet’s Covenant
- Similarity between Adam and Jesus (PBUT)
- The Meaning of the Angel’s Prostration
- The Reason for Adam’s Creation
- Teaching Adam
- Adam Sees Eve
- Eve’s Creation
- Establishing the Islamic Greeting
- The Location of Adam and Eve’s Paradise
- Allah’s Warning to Adam and Eve
- Adam’s Weakness
- Condensed Story of Adam and Allah’s Promise
- Commentary: Why Adam and Eve Descended
- Commentary: Adam’s Free Will
- Encounter Between Adam and Moses (PBUT) — Hadith
- Variation of Where Adam, Eve, and Iblis Descended
- Adam’s Life on Earth
- The First Four Children
- Cain’s Disobedience
- Commentary: Cain’s Disobedience
- Cain’s Jealousy of Abel
- The First Death
- The First Burial
- The First Murder — from Various Hadith
- Adam Preaches to His Children
- Adam’s Successor, Seth
- Adam’s Death
- Successor After Adam
- The Persians claim that
- Read Here > Prophet Adam (A.S)
2. Prophet Idris (Enoch)
- Birth and Teachings
- The Wise Sayings of Prophet Enoch
- Read Here > Prophet Idris (Enoch)
3. Prophet Nuh (Noah)
- Variation on the Birth of Noah
- Noah’s People — Idolaters
- Various Hadith describing the Origin of Idolatry
- Commentary — Idolatry
- Noah’s Reasoning with his People
- Division Among Noah’s People
- The Disbelievers’ Arguments
- The Disbelievers Attempt to Bargain
- The Disbelievers Remain Ignorant
- Noah’s Appeal to His People
- The Length of Noah’s Preaching
- Noah Prays for the Disbeliever’s End
- Noah Builds the Ark
- The Flood begins
- The Number of Believers
- Description of the Flood
- Noah Appeals to his Son
- The Flood Ends
- The Believers Disembark
- Noah’s Death
- Read Here > Prophet Nuh (Noah)
4. Prophet Hud
- Description of the People of Ad
- Description of Hud
- Commentary — Hud’s Appeal to his People
- Hud’s Appeal to His People — Quranic
- Hud (pbuh) explains the Day of Judgement
- The Disbeliever’s Attitude
- The Disbelievers Question Hud
- The Punishment
- The Believers are Saved
- Read Here > Prophet Hud
5. Prophet Salih
- Description of the People of Thamud
- Description of Salih
- Salih’s People Demand a Miracle
- Stories About the She-camel
- Read Here > Prophet Salih
6. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
- Description of Abraham and his Family
- Abraham’s Childhood
- Abraham’s Hatred for Idols
- Abraham Discovers Allah
- Abraham Reasons with Celestial Worshippers
- Abraham Reasons with Idolators
- Abraham reasons with his Father
- Abraham debates with the Idolaters
- Abraham reasons with the Idolaters, Second Time
- Abraham Breaks the Idols
- The Idolaters Question Abraham
- The Idolaters Try to burn Abraham
- The Faith of the Believers
- Hadith about Abraham, Sarah and Hajar
- Hajar and Sarah
- Abraham Questions Resurrection
- Read Here > Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
7. Prophet Isma’il (Ishmael)
- Abraham leaves Hajar and Ishmael
- Hajar and Ishmael — Narrated by Ibn Abbas
- Hajar sees Zam-zam — by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Makka is Settled — Told by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Ishmael’s Wives
- The Kaba is Built — by Prophet Muhammad
- Hajar sees zam — zam — by Ibn Abbas
- Makka is Settled — by Ibn Abbas
- Ishmael’s Wives — by Ibn Abbas
- Kaba is Built — by Ibn Abbas
- Abraham and Ishmael (PBUT) — The Sacrifice
- Tidings of Isaac
- Tidings of Isaac — Quranic
- Read Here > Prophet Isma’il (Ishmael)
8. Prophet Ishaq
- Isaac’s Sons — from Commentators
- Isaac’s Sons — from the People of the Book
- Issac’s Death
- Read Here > Prophet Ishaq
9. Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)
- Isaac’s Sons — Jacob and Esau
- Isaac’s Sons — from the People of the Book
- Jacob Leaves his Home — from the People of the Book
- Jacob’s Promise
- Jacob’s Wives — from the People of the Book
- Jacob’s Children — from the People of the Book
- Jacob’s Request — from the People of the Book
- Jacob Accused of Taking Idols
- Jacob Prepares to meet Esau
- Jacob becomes Israel
- Jacob and Esau Meet
- Jacob Builds Ayl
- Dinah’s Story — from the People of the Book
- Rachel’s Death
- The Sons of Jacob
- Isaac’s Death
- The Prophet’s last Wish
- Quran’s Way of Confronting People of the Book
- Read Here > Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)
10. Prophet Lot (Lut)
- Description of the People of Sodom
- Lot’s Message
- Lot’s Wife
- Angels Come to Meet Lot
- The Mob at Lot’s House
- The Punishment
- The Angels Meet Abraham
- Lot’s Life after Sodom
- Read Here > Prophet Lot (Lut)
11. Prophet Shuaib
- Shuaib’s Message
- The Disbeliever’s Ignorance
- Read Here > Prophet Shuaib
12. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)
- Summary of Joseph’s Story
- The Story’s Presentation
- Joseph’s Childhood
- Description of Joseph
- The Evil Plot of Joseph’s Brothers
- The Brothers Approach Jacob
- Joseph Thrown into the Well
- The Brothers Lie to Jacob
- Joseph Finds Comfort in Allah
- Joseph From the Well to Slavery
- Joseph’s Master
- Joseph’s Qualities
- Zulaikha’s Feelings for Joseph
- Joseph’s Feelings for Zulaikha
- Zulaikha’s False Accusation
- Zulaikha is Ridiculed by the People
- Zulaikha’s Plan to Regain Her Reputation
- The Women’s Reaction to Joseph
- The Women’s Reaction — Quranic
- Joseph’s Time in Prison
- Joseph’s Time in Prison — Quranic
- The King’s Dream
- Joseph’s Interpretation of the Dream
- The Dream and Interpretation — Quranic
- Joseph’s Innocence Proved
- Joseph’s Innocence Proved — Quranic
- Zulaikha’s Life Afterwards
- Joseph’s High Position
- Joseph’s High Position — Quranic
- Joseph Meets His Brothers
- Joseph Meets His Brothers — Quranic
- The Brothers Return to Canaan
- The Brothers Return to Canaan — Quranic
- Joseph and Benjamin Meet
- A Thief Among the Brothers
- Benjamin is Accused
- Joseph Meets Benjamin and the Accusation — Quranic
- Joseph’s Plan
- The Brothers Confront Jacob
- The Brothers Confront Jacob — Quranic
- Jacob’s Request to Find Joseph
- Jacob’s Request to Find Joseph — Quranic
- Joseph Reveals Himself
- Jacob Learns About Joseph
- Jacob and Joseph (PBUT) Meet
- Epilogue
- The Deatb of Jacob and Joseph (PBUT)
- Read Here > Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)
13. Prophet Job (Ayoub)
- Job’s Family History
- Allah’s Praises of Job
- Iblis’ Jealousy of Job
- Iblis Destroys Job’s Wealth
- Iblis Destroys Job’s Children
- Iblis Destroys Job’s Health
- Job’s Life — Summary
- Job’s Prayer for Mercy
- Job’s Health is Restored
- Prophet Muhammad’s Account on Job
- Read Here > Prophet Job (Ayoub)
14. Prophet Dhul — Kifl
- Is he a Prophet?
- The meaning of Dhul Kifl
- Read Here > Prophet Dhul — Kifl
15. Prophet Yunus (Jonah)
- Description of Jonah’s People
- Jonah Leaves His People
- The People are Forgiven
- The Storm at Sea
- Jonah Jumps into the Sea
- The Whale Swallows Jonah
- Allah Forgives Jonah
- Summary of Jonah’s Story
- Jonah’s People — Changed
- Prophet Muhammad’s Saying About Jonah (PBUT)
- Read Here > Prophet Yunus (Jonah)
16. Prophet Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron)
- Description of the Pharaoh
- Visions of Dethroning the Pharaoh
- The Killing of the Children of Israel
- The Birth of Aaron and Moses (PBUT)
- Description of the Pharaoh and Birth of Moses — Quranic
- Moses Thrown into the Nile
- Moses Finds a Home — Quranic
- Moses and His Mother Reunited
- Moses and His Mother Reunited — Quranic
- The Qualities of Moses — Quranic
- Moses Kills and Egyptian
- Moses Kills an Egyptian — Quranic
- Moses Leaves Egypt
- Moses Helps Women Shepherds
- Moses Helps Women Shepherds — Quranic
- Moses Finds a Home Among Shepherds
- Moses Becomes a Shepherd
- Moses Becomes a Shepherd — Quranic
- The Ten Years of Preparation
- Moses Decides to Return to Egypt
- Moses Begins His Prophethood
- Moses Begins His Prophethood — Quranic
- Moses and Aaron (PBUT) Given Their Duties — Quranic
- Moses and Aaron (PBUT) Talk to the Pharaoh
- Moses and Aaron (PBUT) Talk to the Pharaoh — Quranic
- Moses Proves Himself Right
- Moses Defeats the Magicians
- Moses Defears the Magicians — Quranic
- Allah’s Description of Belivers and Non-Believers — Quranic
- The People’s Non — Reaction to the defeat of the magicians
- The Pharaoh’s Reaction to Moses Victory
- Pharaoh’s Men Spread Rumors
- Pharaoh’s Men Harm the Believers
- Korah — His Actions and Destruction
- Korah — His Actions and Destruction — Quranic
- The Pharaohs Relative Defends Moses
- The Pharaoh’s Relative Defends Moses — Quranic
- The Plagues of Egypt
- Egypt Suffers a Drought and a Flood
- Egypt’s Crops are Destroyed by Locusts
- Egypt Becomes Infested with Lice
- Egypt Becomes Infested with Frogs
- Nile’s water was changed to Blood
- Allah’s Punishments on the Disbelievers — Quranic
- Moses’ Story — Condensed and Quranic
- Pharaoh and his Amry Perish — Moses Allowed to Leave Egypt
- The Pharaoh Learns of the Believer’s Escape
- The Parting of the Red Sea
- The Death of the Pharaoh
- Moses’ People Escape and Pharaoh’s Death — Quranic
- The Moses’ People Desire an Idol
- Moses’ People Desire an Idol — Quranic
- The Favours of Allah on Moses’ People
- Allah’s Favours on Moses’ People — Quranic
- The Cowardice of Moses’ People
- Allah Keeps Moses’ People Wandering
- The Cowardice of Moses’ People — Quranic
- Moses’ People are Kept Wandering — Quranic
- Moses Fasts for Forty Days
- Moses Speaks to Allah — Quranic
- The Ten Commandments
- The Story of Golden Calf — Moses’ People Turn to Idolatry
- Aaron (Harun) Tries to Reason with the Idolaters
- The Conversation Between Allah and Moses — Quranic
- Moses Sees the Idolators — Quranic
- The Idolaters’ Punishment
- Moses’ People Demand to See Allah
- Moses Prays for His People
- The Story of Israelites and the Cow — The Pious Man and His Son
- The People Ask Questions About a Cow
- Moses’ People Find the Right Cow
- The People are Asked to Slaugter a Cow — Quranic
- The Story of Moses and Al-Khidr — Moses Informed of a Wise Man
- Moses Finds Al-Khidr
- Moses Finds Al-Khidr — Quranic
- Moses Speaks to Al-Khidr
- Moses Seeks Al-Khidr — Hadith
- Moses Talks to Al-Khidr — Hadith
- The Death of Moses — Moses’ Suffering
- Allah Clears Moses of False Rumors
- The Death of Haaron
- The Death of Moses
- Read Here > Prophet Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron)
17. Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel)
- Allah Resurrects the Dead
- Allah Resurrects the Dead Through Ezekiel
- Hadith About the Plagues
- Read Here > Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel)
18. Prophet Elisha (Elyas)
- Elisha’s Mission
- The Family History of Elisha
- Read Here > Prophet Elisha (Elyas)
19. Prophet Shammil (Samuel)
- The State of the Israelites After Joshua
- The Ark of the Covenant
- Samuel Comes to the Israelites
- Saul is Appointed King
- Saul is Appointed King — Quranic
- Saul Leads an Army — Quranic
- Saul Leads an Army
- Saul’s Army Sees the Enemy
- Read Here > Prophet Shammil (Samuel)
20. Prophet Dawud (David)
- David Challenges Goliath
- David and Goliath Fight
- Allah Gives David the Kingdom
- David Becomes a Prophet
- David is Granted the Language of Animals
- David’s Fasting and Praying
- Iron Becomes Flexible for David
- Saul Becomes Jealous of David
- Saul Plots to Kill David
- David Forgives Saul
- David Becomes King
- David’s Son Solomon (PBUT)
- David as a Ruler
- Angels Teach David About Fairness
- Almighty Allah told us of this incident:
- The Death of Prophet David
- Read Here > Prophet Dawud (David)
21. Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)
- Solomon’s Knowledge
- Solomon Becomes King
- Solomon’s Admiration of Horses
- Allah’s Gifts to Solomon — Quranic
- Solomon Hears the Ant’s Warning
- Solomon Hears the Conversation of Ants — Quranic
- Solomon’s Travels
- The Hoopoe Brings Information to Solomon
- The Queen of Sheba Sends Gifts
- Solomon’s Rejects the Queen’s Gifts
- The Queen Decides to Visit Solomon
- The Queen’s Visit with Solomon
- Solomon is Informed About the Queen of Sheba — Quranic
- Jinns and Solomon
- Solomon’s Death
- Solomon’s Death — Quranic
- Read Here > Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)
22. Prophet Shia (Isaiah)
- Isaiah and Hezekiah
- Allah Grants More Life to Hezekiah
- Allah Destroys Hezekiah’s Enemies
- Israel After Hezekiah’s Death
- Isaiah’s Death
- Read Here > Prophet Shia (Isaiah)
23. Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah)
- Jeremiah’s Family History
- Traditions About Jeremiah
- Allah’s Warning to the Children of Israel
- Allah’s Message to the Children of Israel
- Allah’s Warning to the Children of Israel — Varation
- Jeremiah Pleads on Behalf of His People
- Jeremiah’s People Refuse to Listen
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Rule
- Nebuchadnezzar and Jeremiah Meet
- Nebuchadnezzar and Jeremiah Meet — Variation
- The Children of Israel Do Not Repent
- Jeremiah Sleeps for 100 Years, Jerusalem is Rebuilt
- The History of Israel After its Rebuilding
- Read Here > Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah)
24. Prophet Daniel
- Allah Saves Daniel from the Lions
- Daniel After Death
- Daniel’s Death — Hadith
- Daniel’s Ring
- Read Here > Prophet Daniel
25. Prophet Uzair (Ezra)
- Ezra Sleeps For 100 Years
- Ezra Returns Home
- Ezra Finds and Copies the Torah
- Read Here > Prophet Uzair (Ezra)
26. Prophet Zakariyah (Zechariah)
- Description of Zakariyah
- Zakariyah Talks to Mary
- Zakariyah Asks for a Son — Quranic
- Read Here > Prophet Zakariyah (Zechariah)
27. Prophet Yahya (John)
- John’s Childhood
- John’s Qualities
- Why John Always Wept
- John’s Love of Nature
- John’s Cruel Death
- Read Here > Prophet Yahya (John)
28. Prophet Isa (A.S)
- Allah Declares He Has No Son
- The Birth of Mary — Quranic
- Mary’s Sustenance — Quranic
- Mary’s Family History
- Mary’s Birth — Longer Version
- Zechariah Becomes Mary’s Guardian
- Mary’s High Status
- Mary’s High Status — Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Mary Receives News of Jesus
- The Birth of Jesus
- Mary Returns to the City with Jesus
- Mary Receives News of Jesus — Quranic
- The Birth of Jesus — Quranic
- Mary and Jesus Return to the City — Quranic
- Allah’s Message About Jesus — Quranic
- Some Stories About Mary’s Pregnancy
- Jesus Upsets the Jews
- Jesus’s Ability to Debate
- Jesus Does Not Observe the Sabbath
- Jesus Receives His Prophethood
- Jesus’s Message
- Jesus Denounces Materialism
- Jewish Priests Try to Embarrass Jesus
- Jesus’ Brings the Dead to Life
- The Miracles of Jesus — Quranic
- Jesus’ Abilities and the Disciples — Quranic
- Allah Sends the Disciples a Feast
- Those Worshipping Jesus and Allah’s Questions to Jesus
- The Jews Plot to Kill Jesus
- The Torture of Jesus
- Jesus’s Crucifixion — Bible Version
- Jesus’s Crucifixion — Quranic
- Refutation of the Christians Claim
- Allah Disclaims Ezra as a Son
- Allah Disclaims Begetting Anyone
- Read Here > Prophet Isa (A.S)
29. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Description of Muhammad ﷺ
- Muhammad’s father died before his birth.
- Journey to Busra — Christian Monk merits Muhammad
- Muhammad’s honest and honorable character
- Solitary lifestyle of Muhammad’s youth
- Muhammad’s marriage to Khadijah
- Troubled, lawless times for the Makkans
- Muhammad thwarts intention of the Romans to control Makka
- Kindness and generousity shown to the people
- Allah’s Divine Inspiration touches Muhammad
- Muhammad’s Visions and struggle to fight depression
- Prophet rises to start his mission for Allah
- The Companions
- Proliferation of Islamic Knowledge by our Prophet
- Persecution perpetrated by the Makkan Tribe of Quraish
- Quraish fear spread of Islam — Try in vain to blackmail Prophet
- Quraish increase Persecution — First Hijra of 615 C.E. to Abyssinia
- Al-Najashi (Negus), King of Abyssinia protects Muslims
- The Holy Quran is a Miracle
- Makkans plea to Abu Talib to stop the Prophet
- Abu Talib protects his Nephew, the Prophet
- Umar Al-Khattab submits to Islam
- Quraish divided into two factions
- Abu Lahab’s hatred of Islam
- Reconciliation of the Quraish
- Death of Abu Talib and Khadijah
- People of Madina accept Prophet
- Miraj (Ascension to the Heavens) on a creature called Buraq
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Adam (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with John and Jesus (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Joseph (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Enoch (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Aaron (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Moses (Hadith)
- Miraj — Muhammad’s encounter with Abraham (Hadith)
- Moses advises Muhammad to plea to Allah to lessen prayers
- Women’s Oath — People of Yathrib (Madina) submit to Islam
- The Hijra — People of Yathrib (Madina) welcome Muslims
- The Makkans plot to kill Allah’s Prophet
- A narration Aisha Bint Abu Bakr (Prophet’s Wife)
- Abu Bakr builds Mosque
- Holy Prophet travels to Madina (Hijra)
- Hijra — Islamic Calendar marks this date
- Yathrib renamed Al-Madina, Al-Munawara — “The Illuminated City”
- Allah’s Apostle Settles in Madina
- Muhammad’s Charter — Jews and Muslims unite to defend against enemies
- Charter faces Mutiny (Inside enemies) — The Hypocrites and unsatisfied Jews
- Madina under Sabotage style attacks on Food, Cattle etc…
- Battle of Badr — Makkan Troop formations approaching Madina
- Victory — Battle Badr is Won
- Allah’s Apostle set rules for treatment of POWs
- Makkan Avenge Loss in Badr — Battle of Uhud
- Exhausted Quraish leave Madina victorious
- More Mutiny as Charter members cause dissent
- Enemy’s Army (headed by Abu Sufyan) march towards Madina
- The Prophet protects the Christians of Madina
- The Treaty of Hudaibiya
- Prophet Muhammad dispatches envoys
- Heraclius submits to Almighty God and embraces Islam
- Attack from the Jews of Khaibar thwarted
- Allah’s Messenger and the Muslims perfom Hajj
- Retribution for the Murder of the Muslim Envoy
- Quraish violate terms of Hudaibiya, Prophets army march against Idolators
- Prophet Muhammad (saw) orders the destruction of the idols
- Prophet Muhammad’s last Sermon, mount Arafat
- Prophet returns to Madina
- Murders and false claims of Prophethood arise
- Prophet Muhammad’s last days
- The death of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
- Read Here > Prophet Muhammad ﷺ