Dua for Protection Against Zina & P*orn Addition
اللهم اغفر دبي، وطهر قلبي، وحصن فرجي
Allahumaghfir Dhanbee,
Wa tahhir Qalbee, Wa Hassin Farjaee
O Allah, forgive my Sin, purify my heart and guard my Chastity.
Seeking forgiveness and protection from sins such as zina is of paramount importance. Muslims earnestly recite dua for protection from zina, acknowledging its gravity and consequences.
They also beseech Allah’s mercy with dua for forgiveness of zina, recognizing their transgressions. Dua for staying away from sin and dua for avoiding zina are uttered with deep sincerity, as believers strive to maintain their chastity and purity.
The Quranic verses on zina emphasize the severity of this sin, motivating individuals to recite dua to stop committing zina.
Po*rn addiction is another affliction that people turn to Allah for help, seeking dua to quit po*rn and dua to stop watching po*rn. They recite powerful protection duas, recognizing that only Allah can shield them from these temptations.
Dua for protection from adultery and dua for safety and protection become a shield against immoral behaviors. The path to repentance is paved with dua for forgiveness after committing zina, as individuals yearn for Allah’s pardon.
Believers are determined to purify their hearts, reciting dua to purify the heart and dua to protect themselves from zina.
The journey of seeking forgiveness from Allah for zina is a deeply personal and spiritual one, as individuals beseech Allah’s forgiveness and protection, yearning to be absolved of their sins.
May Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala forgive us and grant us highest rank in Jannah and save us from the punishment of Hell. Ameen
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